Переведите предложения на язык. 1. у меня много хороших друзей. 2. с николаем и денисом мы подружились в школе, с толей - во время службы в армии. 3. мой брат выше матери, но он не такой высокий, как отец. 4. кто твой друг по профессии? - он будующий инженер. 5. у олега впечатляющая внешность: его рост 185 см, он хорошо сложен, привлекателен, открыт. его жена - среднего роста, она изящная и добродушная. 6. эти студенты чувством юмора, они всегда веселы и довольны жизнью. 7. как выглядит ваша учительница? - она молода, стройна, со светлыми короткими волосами и карими глазами. 8. дружба им лучше узнать друг друга. 9. у этих молодых людей много общего.

киса819 киса819    3   25.05.2019 18:50    2

mmedvedev389 mmedvedev389  01.10.2020 11:36
1. I have many good friends . 2 . With Nicholas and Dennis we made friends at school, with Toli - while serving in the army. 3 . My mother's brother above , but it is not as tall as his father . 4 . Who's your friend in the profession ? - He buduyuschy engineer . 5 . Aleh impressive appearance , his height is 185 cm and he is well built, attractive, open. His wife - the average height, it is elegant and good-natured . 6. These students have a sense of humor, they are always happy and satisfied with their lives . 7. How does your teacher ? - She is young, slim , with blond short hair and brown eyes. 8. Friendship helps them get to know each other. 9. These young people have a lot in common.
Переводил с Гугла ;)
ьтььбть ьтььбть  01.10.2020 11:36
Dear one direction

Thank you for putting a smile on my face every time I listen to your songs . I love your two albums and listen to your songs every day on the way to school or home. They brighten up my day. You guys have inspired me to stay true to yourself and never give up on my dreams. Please promise me that no matter how famous you get, you never forget your fans who love you with all my heart . I would like to thank you personally, or go to one of your shows , but this is just wishful thinking. I hope that you will be going to Ukraine someday. I have to live now , thanks to you guys .
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