Переведите предложения на англиский в 3 временах (Present Simple, past Simple, future Simple) 1 Сестра Лиза учится в школе
2 Папа и мама работают в офисе
3 Моя собака Боб ест кашу и спит на диване
4 Моя бабушка выращивает цветы
5 Ученики слушают учителя
6 Папа купил цветы для мамы
7 Я пишу письмо брату
8 они готовят ужин

Кира4311 Кира4311    3   17.04.2021 07:44    0

лэйлааааа678 лэйлааааа678  17.05.2021 07:46
1. Sister Liza studies at school
Sister Lisa studied at school
Sister Liza will study at school
2. Dad and mom work in the office
Dad and mom worked in the office
Dad and mom will work in the office
3. My dog Bob eats porridge and sleep on the sofa
My dog Bob ate porridge and slept on the sofa
My dog Bob will eat porridge and sleep on the sofa
4. My grandmother grows flowers
My grandmother grew flowers
My grandmother will grow flowers
5. The pupils listen to the teacher
The pupils listened to the teacher
The pupils will listen to the teacher
6. Dad buys flowers to my mom
Dad bought flowers to my mom
Dad will buy flowers to my mom
7. I write the letter to my brother
I wrote the letter to my brother
I will write the letter to my brother
8. They cook dinner
They cooked dinner
They will cook dinner
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