Переведите предложения и определите функцию герундия в них (выполняет герундий функцию подлежащего, дополнения, определения, обстоятельства или является частью составного сказуемого).
1. The lecturer told us about the difficulties of making a 24 hour urine collection in healthy children outside hospital.
2. Patients with hepatic cirrhosis develop oliguric renal failure in response to minor decrease in circulating blood volume.
3. The internal distribution of blood flow has been estimated by measuring the extraction of p-aminohippurate.
4. By investigating patients with cirrhosis a direct relationship between renal hemodynamic changes and cirrhosis of the liver may be established.
5. Developmental disorders of the body lead to stunting or to overgrowth of the skeletal system, to faulty connective or other «soft» tissues or to physical distortion and deformity.
6. I am against your taking part in this experiment.

Senenadasha2017 Senenadasha2017    1   15.05.2020 13:48    2

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