Переведите на жил кролик питер и его братья. они жили вместе с матерью . мама выпустила кроликов погулять,но сказал им не ходить в сад макгрегора . братья отправились за ,но питер пошел в сад . там он наткнулся на этого человека, и долгое время бегал . но потом питер попал в сетку и застрял. мужчина собирался схватить его , но кролик выпрыгнул и спрятался в лейке . мистер не мог найти его , но питер чихнул, и человек нашел его . кролик выпрыгнул и убежал

dashka1035 dashka1035    2   22.08.2019 13:50    1

сема891 сема891  05.10.2020 12:37
Lived Peter rabbit and his brothers. they lived together with mother . Mom let the rabbits out,but told them not to walk in the garden McGregor . The brothers went to pick berries,but Peter went to the garden . There he came upon the man, and long time running . but then Peter got into the net and got stuck. The man was going to grab him , but rabbit jumped out and hid in a lake . Mr. couldn't find it , but Peter sneezed, and the man found him . Rabbit jumped out and ran away
archik4 archik4  05.10.2020 12:37
I lived Peter Rabbit and his brothers. They lived with their mother. Mom released rabbits walk, but told them not to go into the garden McGregor. The brothers went to pick berries, but Peter went into the garden. There he came upon the man, and for a long time running. but then Peter got into the net and got stuck. The man was going to grab it, but the rabbit jumped out and hid in a watering can. Mister could not find him, but Peter sneezed, and a man found him. The rabbit jumped out and ran away
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