Переведите на язык: вике 11 лет. она не высокого роста и худая. у неё тёмные волосы, зелёные глаза и маленький рот. она весёлая и смешная. я её сильно люблю! мы лучшие подруги.

Suzdik23 Suzdik23    1   18.06.2019 18:00    3

chmv555 chmv555  02.10.2020 04:53
Vick 11 years. She was not tall and thin. She has dark hair, green eyes and a small mouth. It is very fun and funny. I have it very much! We are best friends.
ankerkor ankerkor  02.10.2020 04:53
Vic 11 years. She is not tall and thin. She has dark hair, green eyes and a small mouth. She is very cheerful and funny. I very much love! We are best friends.
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