Переведите на язык предложения, используя формы gerund и infinitive. 1. трудно изучать язык, не посещая страну. 2. трудно понять традиции и обычаи народа, не изучая его . 3. невозможно рассказать о лондоне, не упомянув о самых знаменитых зданиях. 4. я предпочитаю говорить по-. 5. продолжает идти дождь 6. этот музей стоит посетить. 7. я хочу покинуть этот город. 8. он вышел из комнаты, не сказав ни слова. 9. он настаивал на том, чтобы мы уехали. 10. говорить по- — трудно.

svetaЗОШ svetaЗОШ    3   16.09.2019 15:10    32

forsovae forsovae  07.10.2020 19:58
1. It is difficult to learn English without visiting an English-speaking country. 

2. It is difficult to understand the traditions and customs of the people without studying its history

3. It is impossible to talk about London without mentioning the most famous buildings.

4. I prefer speaking English. 

5. It keeps raining

6. This museum is worth visiting

7.  I want to leave this town. 

8. He left the room without saying a word

9. He insisted on our leaving

10. To speak English is difficult
1. It is difficult to learn English without visiting an English-speaking country.
2. It is difficult to understand the traditions and customs of the people without studying their history.
3. It is impossible to talk about London without mentioning the most famous buildings.
4. I prefer to speak English.
5. It is still raining.
6. This museum is worth visiting.
7 I want to leave this city.
 8. He left the room without saying a word.
 9. He insisted us to leave.
 10. It's difficult to speak English.
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