Переведите на язык. . меня зовут софия. я хочу рассказать как я провела эти новогодние праздники. встречала я новый год со своей семьей. мы купили ёлку и украсили её разноцветными шарами и яркими огнями. наконец, наступил новый год! мы поздравили наших самых близких. дед мороз принес мне большую коробку с письмом. в ней было много фруктов и конфет, а в середине коробки лежал новый мобильный телефон. было весело и празднично. на следующий день пошли к бабушке и дедушке поздравить их с новым годом. еще я ездила в другой город к другой бабушке. новый год был весёлый и счастливый праздник. мне он понравился.

Света11111111119079г Света11111111119079г    2   20.06.2019 08:10    1

агата281 агата281  16.07.2020 10:22
Hello. My name is Sofia. I want to tell as I spent these New Year's holidays.I met New year with the family. We bought a fir-tree and decorated it with multi-colored spheres and bright fires.At last, there came New year! We congratulated our relatives.Father Frost brought me a big box with the letter. In it there was a lot of fruit and candies, and in the middle of a box the new mobile phone lay.Was cheerfully and festively.Next day went to the grandmother and the grandfather to wish them a Happy New Year.Still I went to other city to other grandmother. New year was a cheerful and happy holiday. It very much was pleasant to me.
Andrey18282919 Andrey18282919  16.07.2020 10:22
Hello. My name is Sofia. I want to tell you how I spent the holidays.
I met the New year with his family. We bought a Christmas tree and decorated it multi-colored balloons and bright lights.
Finally, come the New year! We congratulated our most loved ones.
Santa Claus brought me a big box with a letter. It was a lot of fruit and candy, and in the middle of the box lay a new mobile phone.
It was fun and festive.
The next day we went to grandma and grandpa to congratulate them on the New year.
I went to another city to another grandmother. 
New year was fun and happy holiday. To me it is very ponravilos
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