Переведите на язык, используя оборот there are/ there is в нужной форме: 1. посмотри, на небе много облаков. будет дождь. 2.сколько звезд на небе? 3. какие книги на том столе? - на нем и книги. 4. есть ли в телевизор в спальне? – нет. 5. были ли в городе итальянские рестораны?

inakuleshova19 inakuleshova19    3   31.07.2019 03:00    2

Сашунязайка Сашунязайка  28.09.2020 11:21
1. Look! There are many clouds in the sky. It will be rain.
2. How many stars are there in the sky? 
3. Which books are there on that table? - There are Russian and English books.
4. Is there a TV in the bedroom? - No, there isn`t.
5. Were there Italian restaurants in the city?
анна3031 анна3031  28.09.2020 11:21
1. Look! There a lot of clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.
2. How many stars are there in the sky?
3. What books are there on the table? - There are English and Russian books.
4. Is there a TV set in the bedroom? - No, there isn't any.
5. Were there any Italian restaurants in the city?
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