Переведите на язык: 1. они купили свежие фрукты. 2. моя комната такая же темная, как и его. 3. мы живем на самой широкой улице. 4. я была у мясника вчера. 5. твой сын вырос. 6. он потратил все свои деньги.

ИваПоля ИваПоля    1   05.10.2019 14:50    0

Просто01111111 Просто01111111  09.10.2020 21:51

1) They bought fresh fruit.

2) My room is as dark as his.

3) We live in the widest street.

4) I was at the butcher’s yesterday.

5) Your son has grown very much.

6) He spent all his money.

Kkttkk Kkttkk  09.10.2020 21:51
1. They bought fresh fruit.
2. My room is as dark as his.
3. We live in the widest street.
4. I was at the butcher’s yesterday.
5. Your son has grown very much.
6. He spent all his money.
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