Переведите на .яз я проснулась в 12: 00.пошла умылась,поела. пошла гулять до 14: 00 пришла домой пообедала и начала делать уроки. после этого я легла спать потому-что устала. проснулась я в 16: 20. пошла гулять с братом,потом поела,пошла мыться . поговорила с подругой и легла спать в 20: 41 чтобы завтра встать раньше. на этом мой день закончился перевести на .яз (правильно)

jzzy jzzy    3   19.06.2019 20:40    1

Анетта666 Анетта666  15.07.2020 23:09

 I woke up at 14:00 (at two o'clock).

The weather was cold and it was snowing heavily outside.

I washed, had a meal and went for a walk with my brother.

We came back home at 16:30 (at half past four).

I had lunch and after that, I did my homework in English.

As I was very tired, I decided to have a rest and fell asleep.

I woke up at 18:20 (at twenty past six) and went on doing my homework.

At 19:00 (at seven o'clock) I dropped into McDonald's to buy some hamburgers and fried potatoes and went to visit my friend who had invited me to stay with her for a night.

We had a meal, played, watched movies and listened to loud music.

We had a good time together and went to bed at 01:40 (at twenty to one).

lizakocirbenck lizakocirbenck  15.07.2020 23:09
I woke up at 12:00.Went washed,ate. Went to walk until 14:00 Came home had lunch and started to do homework. After that I went to bed because she was tired. I woke up at 16:20. Went for a walk with my brother,then ate,went to bathe . Talked with a friend and went to bed at 20:41 to tomorrow to get up earlier. This ended my day.
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