Переведите на .яз. во владивостоке тепло,солнце светит, ясное гебо, дует легкий ветер. вчера было прохладно, солнце выглядывало из облаков, ветер не дул, ну, а сегодня хорошая погода для купанияи в прочем для всего. я купалась, загорала, познакомилась с другими , они дружелюбные, мы веселились. когда наступил вечер я удивилась, что вечером прохладно, а не как у нас холодно. температура днем было +34°c-37°c, вечером 14°c-20°c ну нормальная температура. это еще в осени такая погода.

alexboyko95 alexboyko95    2   03.08.2019 08:00    0

Zendydla Zendydla  30.09.2020 08:24
In Vladivostok, very warm, the sun is shining, clear sky, blowing a light breeze. Yesterday was cool, the sun peeked out of the clouds,the wind is not blowing, well, today is a good weather for kupaniyai in other for everything. I swam, sunbathed, met with the other guys, they are very friendly, we had fun. When evening came, I was surprised that the evening is cool, but not as it is cold. daytime temperature was + 34 ° C-37 ° C, night 14 ° C-20 ° C Well temperature is normal. This is in the fall the weather.
Russiansss Russiansss  30.09.2020 08:24
In Vladivostok, very warm , the sun is shining , clear sky , blowing a light breeze. Yesterday was cool , the sun peeked out of the clouds , the wind is not blowing , well, today is a good weather for kupaniyai in other for everything. I swam , sunbathed , met with the other guys , they are very friendly , we had fun . When evening came , I was surprised that the evening is cool , but not as it is cold . daytime temperature was + 34 ° C- 37 ° C , night 14 ° C- 20 ° C Well temperature is normal . This is in the fall the weather .
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