Переведите на важно: не через интернет переводчик и так далее однажды я была в гостях у подруги и мы отмечали ее день рождения. ей подарили телевизор в комнату и он стоял рядом с нами. краем глаза мы увидели, что на нем что-то появилось. это была чья-то рука. потом эта рука приснилась нам, когда мы спали. и мы были напуганы.

dilya1921 dilya1921    3   05.09.2019 20:20    0

mar2865 mar2865  20.08.2020 22:17
One day I was at a friend's house and we celebrated her birthday. She gave the television in the room and he was standing next to us. The corner of his eye, we saw that it had something. It was a hand. Then this hand had us when we were sleeping. And we were very scared.
asyamursalova12 asyamursalova12  20.08.2020 22:17
Once I was visiting a friend and we celebrated her birthday.She was given a TV in the room and he was standing next to us.From the corner of our eye, we saw that something had appeared on it.It was someone's hand.Then this hand came to us when we were asleep. And we were very frightened.
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