Переведите на . у меня дома живет морская свинка. ее зовут люся. она рыжая, красивая. я с ней играю, кормлю ее и мою. она сидит в клетке. ест она кабочки, огурцы и кашу специальную для морских свинок. я ее люблю.

AlexNickrodef AlexNickrodef    1   11.07.2019 23:10    0

smetankaplaydop0c2u6 smetankaplaydop0c2u6  18.09.2020 01:35
I share my home with a Guinea pig. Her name is Lucy. She's a redhead, very beautiful. I play with her, feed her and my. She sits in the cage. She eats kubacki, cucumber and porridge special for Guinea pigs. I love her very much.
58624789485 58624789485  18.09.2020 01:35
I have a pet at home. It's a sea pig.Its name is Lyusya. It's red and very nice. I play with it, feed and wash it. It sits in the cage. It eats vegetable marrow, cucumbers and spesial porrige for sea pigs. I like Lyusya very much.
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