Переведите на , том. я провел лето хорошо. в июне я родителям с садом, ездил с папой на нашу ферму. в июне я часто ездил на пикник. а в августе я поехал в лагерь. я хорошо провел лето. а как ты провел лето? как родители? куды ты ездил летом?
Hi, Tom. I spent the summer Good. In June I helped parents with the garden, went with dad on our farm. in June I often went on a picnic. And August I went to the camp. I had a good summer. And how you spent summer? As parents? Where did you go in the summer?
Good. In June I helped
parents with the garden, went with
dad on our farm. in June
I often went on a picnic. And
August I went to the camp. I
had a good summer. And how
you spent summer? As
parents? Where did you go
in the summer?