Переведите на русский язык, определив формы и функции герундия:

1. Learning rules without examples is useless.
2. She suspected (подозревать) him of deceiving (обманывать) her.
3. She denied (отрицать) having been at home that evening.
4. After graduating from the university she left Vitebsk and went to teach in her home town.
5. Seeing a good film is a pleasure.
6. He went home without seeing the film.
7. He talked without stopping.
8. Miss Brown was in the habit of asking Mr. Dick his opinion (мнение).
9. He solved the problem of inventing such a device (прибор).
10. He solved the problem, by inventing a new device.
11. Ring us up before leaving home.
12. Instead of reading up for his exam, he is watching TV.

iznaur2002 iznaur2002    2   20.05.2020 03:26    3

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