Переведите на правильно ! 15 ! авдеевы у семьи авдеевых много хобби.отец любит ездить на машине.он часто ездит не один.мать семьи любит печь пирожки.у авдеевых есть животные дома.у них есть кот.кот всё время гуляет по квартире.он хороший.кота зовут персик.он друг нашей семьи.варя и соня любят играть,соня любит гулять,а варя любит повторять за соней.у авдеевых есть большая коллекция дисков,они все любители дисков

znayka001 znayka001    2   07.10.2019 06:40    0

Виолетик2004 Виолетик2004  05.08.2020 06:48
The Avdeev family has many Hobbies. My father likes to drive. He often travels not alone. The mother of the family loves to bake pies. The Avdeevs have animals at home. They have cat. Cat walks around the apartment all the time. He's good. The cat's name is Peach. He's a friend of our family. Cooking and love to play Sonya, Sonya loves to walk and likes to say Cooking with Sonya. The Avdeevs have a large collection of discs, they are all fans of discs.
Max749 Max749  05.08.2020 06:48

The Avdeev family has many hobbies. Father loves to drive. He often goes not alone. Mom likes to bake pies. Avdeev houses have animals. They have a cat. He constantly walks around the apartment. He is good. Kota name is Peach. He is a friend of the family. Varia and Sonya love to play, Sonya loves to walk, and Varia loves to repeat after Sonya. The Avdeyevs have a large collection of disks, they are all fans of disks.

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