Переведите на . обычно я встаю рано,в 6 или 7 часов утра. я завтракаю и иду в колледж. он знает хорошо. они много думают об этом. лена обычно приходит домой в 8 вечера. джим часто ходит на прогулку по вечерам. обед готов. ты помнишь его сестру. что это значит. она всегда смеётся над ним. вы хотите посмотреть телевизор. что вы думаете об этом. ты можешь взять любую книгу. эта книга интереснее той. наша кухня меньше твоей.

89195188243aMils 89195188243aMils    3   23.05.2019 23:40    1

юююю20 юююю20  19.06.2020 19:24
I usually get up early, at 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning.I have breakfast and go to college.He speaks English well.They think a lot about it.Lena usually comes home at 8 pm.Jim often goes for a walk in the evenings.dinner is ready.Do you remember his sister.What it means.She always laughs at him.Do you want to watch TV.What do you think about it.You can take any book.This book is more interesting one.Our kitchen is smaller than yours.
nikitalazarev4ozvc33 nikitalazarev4ozvc33  19.06.2020 19:24
Translate into English please.
I usually get up early, at 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning.
I have breakfast and go to college.
He speaks English well.
They think a lot about it.
Lena usually comes home at 8 pm.
Jim often goes for a walk in the evenings.
dinner is ready.
Do you remember his sister.
What it means.
She always laughs at him.
Do you want to watch TV.
What do you think about it.
You can take any book.
This book is more interesting one.
Our kitchen is smaller than yours.
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