Переведите на , наташа. я хотела сразу же ответить на твое письмо, но в последнее время у меня было много работы. времени не хватало, чтобы осуществить свои планы. у нас уже пришла весна. на улице тепло и солнечно целый день. сегодня,12 апреля, в россии празднуют международный день космонавтики. этот день назван днем космонавтики, потому что именно 12 апреля 1961 года юрий гагарин совершил первый в мире полет в космос. я и мои друзья в этот день решили посетить музей космонавтики в калуге. там так здорово, мы узнали много нового и остались довольны. а как погодалондоне? как ты праздновал день космонавтики? и с кем?

alaaaaaaa alaaaaaaa    2   20.05.2019 02:20    1

nakao85 nakao85  13.06.2020 08:51

Hi, Natasha. I wanted to reply immediately to your letter, but recently I had a lot of work. Not enough time to carry out their plans. We have already come spring. The street is warm and sunny all day. Today, April 12, in Russia celebrate the International Day of Cosmonautics. This day is called the day of space, because it is 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin made the world's first space flight. My friends and I decided that day to visit the Museum of Cosmonautics in Kaluga. There's so much fun, we learned a lot and were very pleased. And the weather is London? How do you celebrate the day of space? And with whom?

маринэджан маринэджан  13.06.2020 08:51

Hello Natasha. I wanted to reply immediately to your letter, but recently I had a lot of work. Not enough time to carry out their plans. We have already come spring. The street is warm and sunny all day. Today, April 12, in Russia celebrate the International Day of Cosmonautics. This day is called the day of space, because it is 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin made the world's first space flight. My friends and I decided that day to visit the Museum of Cosmonautics in Kaluga. There's so much fun, we learned a lot and were very pleased. And the weather is London? How do you celebrate the day of space? And with whom?


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