Переведите на надо часто во многих странах мира спорят о том нужно ли носить школьную форму или нет . поэтому в некоторых странах дети обязаны носить её , а в некоторых в этом нет никакой необходимости . давайте же выясним стоит ли всё таки носить школьную форму или нет . рассмотрим несколько ,,за" и ,,против " школьной формы . например, школьная форма время . так как ученикам не нужно каждый день тратить много времени на обдумывание того , что одеть в школу . с другой стороны школьная форма не деньги . так как ребёнок быстро из неё вырастает и приходится каждый год покупать новую . так же ношение школьной формы не нарушает дисциплину на уроке . ученики могут концентрироваться на учёбе , а не на обсуждения одежды своих одноклассников . но так же ношение школьной формы является нелепым для тех , кому её носить не надо и они начинают смеяться над теми , кто её носить обязан . довольно большим плюсом школьной формы является то , что все ученики одеты одинаково и не завидуют друг другу . родители некоторых детей не могут покупать своим детям дорогую одежду и поэтому никто не будет расстраиваться и завидовать , если всё одинаково одеты . но несмотря на всё это ношение одной и той же одежды каждый день является скучным , поэтому некоторые ученики иногда не надевают школьную форму так как это им надоедает .

lera1064 lera1064    1   14.09.2019 23:40    1

xile4t xile4t  07.10.2020 15:33
Often in many countries of the world arguing about whether to wear a school uniform or not. Therefore, in some countries, children have to wear it, and in some there is no need for it. Let's find out whether it is still worth wearing school uniforms or not. Let's consider some "for" and "against" the school form. For example, school uniform saves time. Since students do not need to spend a lot of time every day thinking about what to wear at school. On the other hand, the school uniform does not save money. As a child quickly grows out of it and every year it is necessary to buy a new one. Also wearing a school uniform does not violate discipline in the class. Students can concentrate on studying, not discussing the clothes of their classmates. But also wearing a school uniform is ridiculous to those who need not wear it and they start laughing at those who owe it to wear. A rather large plus of school uniforms is that all students are dressed equally and do not envy each other. Parents of some children can not buy expensive clothes for their children and therefore nobody will be upset and envious if everyone is equally dressed. But despite all this, wearing the same clothes every day is very boring, so some students sometimes do not put on school uniforms as it bother them.
ilona122 ilona122  07.10.2020 15:33
often in many countries around the world are arguing about whether to wear a school uniform or not. Therefore, in some countries, children are required to wear it, and in some there is no need. Let's find out whether it's still worth wearing a school uniform or not. Consider a few, for, and, against, the school uniform. For example, the school uniform saves time. Since students do not need to spend a lot of time each day to think about what to put on school. On the other hand, the school uniform does not save money. Since the child quickly grows out of it and has to buy a new one every year. Also wearing a school uniform does not break the discipline in the lesson. Students can concentrate on learning, not on discussing the clothes of their classmates. But also wearing a school uniform is ridiculous for those who do not need to wear it and they start laughing at those who wear it. A pretty big plus of the school uniform is that all students are dressed equally and do not envy each other. Parents of some children can not buy their children expensive clothes and so no one will be upset and jealous if everyone is equally dressed. But despite all this wearing of the same clothes every day is very boring, so some students sometimes do not wear school uniforms as it bothers them.
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