Переведите на ! герундий и инфинитив! 1. я не мог не засмеяться, когда увидел её в этой шляпе 2. в детстве я проводил много времени, рисуя картины 3. начальник одобряет наши корпоративные вечеринки 4. я бы хотел научиться играть на гитаре 5. он сделал вид, что не слышит меня 6. на дорогах было много пробок, но мы смогли добраться до аэропорта 7. учитель был такой строгий, что никто из учеников не смел задать вопрос

davidforest111p0dsil davidforest111p0dsil    1   03.10.2019 10:40    0

ololsha99 ololsha99  10.09.2020 23:50
1. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw her wearing this hat
2. In childhood I spent a lot of time drawing pictures
3. The boss approves our corporate parties.
4. I would really like to learn how to play the guitar
5. he pretended not to hear me
6. there were a lot of traffic jams on the roads, but we were able to get to the airport
7. The teacher was so strict that none of the students dared to ask a question.
lazarenko2 lazarenko2  10.09.2020 23:50

1)I couldn't help but laugh when I saw her wearing this hat.

2)In childhood I spent a lot of time drawing pictures

3)The boss approves our corporate parties.

4) I would really like to learn how to play the guitar

5)he pretended not to hear me

6) There were a lot of traffic jams on the roads, but we were able to get to the airport.

7)The teacher was so strict that none of the students dared to ask a question.

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