Переведите на . что сможете: 1)у меня болит горло.наеверное,это ангина. 2)она серьезно больна.ее положили в больницу.возможно,ей нужна опирация. 3)я советую вам обратиться к врачу и чем быстрее,тем луче.у вас болезненный вид. 4)если бы диагноз был тогда установлен,больного немедленно отправили бы в больницу. 5)я был поранен в ногу во время войны,и сейчас длительная ходьба причиняет мне боль. 6)у меня сильная боль в правом боку.у меня болит глаз. 7)у вас высокая температура.вам нужен постельный режим на протяжении двух-трех дней. 8) петренко больна воспалением легких. 9)его лечили от гриппа,но у него оказалось воспаление легких. 10)это хорошие лекарства от головной боли.

Chundokova Chundokova    3   19.05.2019 06:30    1

Doneore Doneore  12.06.2020 11:05

1) I have a sore throat. It may be angina. 2) She is very sick. She was put in hospital. Maybe she needs in surgery. 3) I advise you to go to the doctor as quick as you can. You have a sick view.

4)If the diagnosis was established then, the patient would be sent to a hospital immediately. 5)I was wounded in the leg during the war, and hiking hurts me. 6) I have a pain in side. I have an eye ache. 7)You have a high temperature. You need stay in bed for two-three days.  8) Mrs Petrenko is sick by pneumonia. 9) They treated  him from flu, but he was sick by pneumonia. 10)There are very good medicines from хеадаче.

кристина19841016 кристина19841016  12.06.2020 11:05

It hurts gorlo.Naevernoe is angina. 2) She was put in serious bolna.Ee bolnitsu.Vozmozhno she needs opiratsiyu. 3) I advise you to consult a doctor and the sooner you luche.U sickly look. 4) If the diagnosis was then established, the patient would be sent immediately to a hospital. 5) I was injured myself in the leg during the war, and now slog hurts me. 6) I have a strong pain in the right boku.U a sore eye. 7) Do you have a high temperatura.Vam needed bed rest for two to three days. 8) Mrs. Petrenko ill with pneumonia. 9) He was treated with the flu, but it was pneumonia. 10) This is a very good medicine for headache.

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