Переведите на , (без переводчика) на картине мы видим продавца за прилавком.возможно он продает чай или специи.он одет в белый халат и в очках. возможно он отвечает на вопросы покупателей /клиентов. я бы хотел у него что-нибудь купить.
On the picture we see seller behind the counter. He is probably selling tea or spices. He is wearing white robe and glasses. He is probably answering the clients' questions. I want to buy something from him.
On a picture we see a salesman after a counter.Maybe hesells tea or spices.He is dressed in a white dressing-gownand spectacled. Maybe he answers the questions ofcustomers /of clients. I would like for him anything to buy.