Переведите на анлийский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect
1. Она уже Ты уже пообедал
3. Мама еще не пришла домой
4. Почему ты не сделал уроки?
5. Мы никогда не были в этом городе.
6. Ты когда-нибудь видел этот фильм?
7. Мой друг еще не вернулся с работы.
8. Дети уже позавтракали?
9. Отец только что пришел домой.
10. Почему ты еще не убрала в комнате?
11. Кто сломал мою ручку?
12. Почему она еще не ужинала?
13. Ученики уже прочитали этот текст?
14. Он никогда не говорил правды.
15. Мой брат только что пошел в школу.

Gumashova Gumashova    2   07.05.2020 18:50    0

alina2834 alina2834  14.10.2020 10:17

1. She has already woken up

2. You already had lunch

3. Mom hasn't come home yet

4. Why haven't you done your homework?

5. We have never been to this city.

6. Have you ever seen this movie?

7. My friend has not returned from work.

8. Have the children already had breakfast?

9. Father just came home.

10. Why haven't you cleaned the room yet?

11. Who broke my pen?

12. Why hasn't she had dinner yet?

13. Have the students already read this text?

14. He never spoke the truth.

15. My brother just went to school.


inikulin00864 inikulin00864  14.10.2020 10:17
1.She has already woken up.
2.You already had lunch.
3.Mom has not come home yet.
4.Why have not you done your homework?
5.We have never been to this city.
6.Have you ever seen this movie?
7.My friend has not returned from work.
8.Have the children already had breakfast?
9.Father just came home.
10.Why have not you cleaned the room yet?
11.Who broke my pen?
12.Why has not she had dinner yet?
13.Have the students already read this text?
14.He never spoke the truth.
15.My brother just went to school.
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