ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ Мой день начинается рано утром. Я еду на занятия в колледж где провожу время с восьми утра до двух дня. Когда я приезжаю домой, я немного убираюсь, и сижу с младшим братом. Вместе с ним, мы встречаем бабушку, и рассказываем новости друг другу. После я сажусь делать домашнее задание. Сделав все уроки, я играю с младшим братом или смотрю какой нибудь фильм. В одиннадцать ночи приходят моя мама и старшая сестра с работы, я кладу им покушать, и посидев с ними немного отправляюсь спать. Мой рабочий день проходит из уроков, разговоров с семьёй и лучшими подругами.

MarijaKitty MarijaKitty    2   15.04.2020 13:56    0

gulzanairgalievi gulzanairgalievi  13.10.2020 07:12

My day starts early in the morning. I am going to college to spend time from eight in the morning to two in the afternoon. When I arrive home, I get out a little and sit with my younger brother. Together with him, we meet grandmother, and tell the news to each other. After I sit down to do my homework. Having done all the lessons, I play with my younger brother or watch some movie. At eleven nights my mother and elder sister come home from work, I put them to eat, and after sitting with them I go to bed a little. My working day is spent on lessons, talking with family and best friends.

Наркодилер Наркодилер  13.10.2020 07:12


My day starts early in the morning. I'm going to work in college to spend an hour from eight in the morning to two days. If I take the house, I will clean the Germans and sit with my little brother. We are talking with him, and I’m talking with my grandmother and the story about the latest news. After I sit, I sit at home. After completing all the lessons, I spend time with my little brother, but I'm watching some kind of movie. At eleven nights, I will come to my mothers and older sisters with robots, I eat them and do not send anyone with them. I am working on moving from lessons handed out to someone and those who have good friends.


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