Переведите на 30 .-я читаю играю на стальных жжет мусор бежит покупает бургеры поёт играет в футбол ест хотдоги пьёт колу просит о лезет на подруга рвёт играем выбираем мороженое едем в машине едут в летят в разрезаешь не играю в футбол не еду в не ем хотдог не едет на поезде не кричит на нас не покупает еду не идёт на не играем не строим дом не не идут в школу не смотрят телевизор сейчас.я ваш правельный ответ сделаю лучшим

аноним12345567808 аноним12345567808    3   26.06.2019 19:40    0

aminibragimov05 aminibragimov05  02.10.2020 12:34
I read now, I play steel drums, he burns the garbage now, he runs now, he buys
burgers now, popsie's singing now, " Fred plays football now, he eats hot dogs now, she's drinking a coke right now-that-she asks for help now-that-the cat climbs a tree, is my friend vomits flowers-that-we're playing now-that-we choose ice cream now-that-we're going in the car now, they are fighting, they are riding in the car,-they fly to London, you're-,-you cut the cake-I don't play football now-that-I'm not going in the car, I don't eat a hot dog now-he doesn't go on the train now, " she never yells at us now, she doesn't buy food now-that-she does not go to the market,-we don't play now-that-we don't build the house now-that-we do not run-they don't go to school now,-they don't watch TV now.I'm your right answer will do best
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