Переведите на . 1. перед домом находится сад. 2. на втором этаже есть две комнаты. 3. где твоя комната? - справа. 4. повернись налево. 5. в комнате шесть стульев и стол. 6. на столе лампа. 7. они вышли из дома и пошли в парк. 8. парк за домом. 9. парк находится между домами. 10. войдите в дом. 11. рядом с домом находится сад. 12. под столом мяч.

FadePLAY FadePLAY    2   05.09.2019 21:10    1

Богдана348 Богдана348  06.10.2020 20:02
1 There is a garden in front of the house.
2 There are two rooms on the second floor.
3 Where is your room? - (It is )on the right.
4 Turn to the left.
5 There are six chairs and a table in the room.
6 There is a lamp on the table.
7 They left the house and went to the park.
8 There is a park behind the house.
9 There is a park between the houses/ A park is situated between the houses.
10 Come into the house/call at a house.
11 There is a garden next to/near the house.
12 There is a ball under the table.
Komarova24 Komarova24  06.10.2020 20:02
1. There is a garden in front of the house. 2. There are two rooms on the second floor. 3. Where is your room? - On right. 4. Turn left. 5. There are six chairs and a table in the room. 6. A lamp is on the table. 7. They left the house and went to the park. 8. Park behind the house. 9. The park is located between the houses. 10. Enter the house. 11. Near the house there is a garden. 12. There is a ball under the table.
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