Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную. 1."it was me who broke the vase." she said. 2."could i use your phone, plese? " david asked me. 3."yes, i'll help you with the washing-up." sandra told me. 4."everyone stop talking! " mr jones told the class. 5."please, please don't tell anyone about this." he said to us.

skillsass skillsass    1   17.06.2019 04:20    3

kolazykov11 kolazykov11  13.07.2020 21:32
1. She confessed to breaking the vase.
2. David asked me if he could use my phone.
3. Sandra agreed to help me with the washing-up.
4. Mr Jones ordered everyone in the class to stop talking.
5. He begged us not to tell anyone about that.
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