Переведите in the pet shop mr johns on: hel- 10! could you help me? i want to get a pet for my daughter, but i can't choose. they all look nice and friendly. shop assistant: get a hamster or a guinea pig. they are easy to keep. a lot of people keep them. mr j.: what do they eat? do they sleep
in a nest or in a little house? s. a.: they eat grass and seeds and sleep in their cages. mr j.: in cages? i don't want a pet in a cage. i think ani- mals are born to be free. s. a.: pets can't be free. they can't live without people look- ing after them. mr j.: i understand. but i don't want
any pets in a cage. s. a.: would you like to get a kitten? we have six wonder- ful healthy kittens to choose from. mr j.: i don't know. cats are not always friendly. they scratch'. s. a.: a puppy? dogs make9 wonderful companions for children. 7mr j.: yes, but who will take the dog out for a
walk? i don't think my daughter will do it.​

Janys123 Janys123    2   07.10.2019 11:30    4

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