ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ Холодное сердце
Вероятно, каждого ребенка в детстве занимает просмотр мультфильмов даже в большей степени, чем чтение сказок, стихов. В мире создано невероятное множество самых разных мультфильмов. Они отличаются по жанрам, сюжетам, стране происхождения. Но каждый мультфильм является уникальным и неповторимым. Каждый мультипликационный фильм имеет какой-то смысл. Если он хороший, то доносит определённую мысль к зрителю.

Существовал такой человек, как Уолт Дисней. Он был художником-мультипликатором. Он перенес много неудачных попыток на пути к успеху. Но в итоге ему удалось создать свою мультипликационную компанию. Именно этот человек придумал Микки Мауса.

Моим любимым мультфильмом является «Холодное сердце», который был выпущен в 2013 году студией «Дисней».

Главными героинями этого мультика являются две принцессы. Они сестры. И одна из них обладает волшебными все превращать в лед. Ее зовут Эльза. Младшую сестру зовут Анной и в отличие от Эльзы она обладает веселым характером. Эта девушка улыбчивая, милая, добра, любит веселиться и ничего не боится. Кстати, ее внешность об этом хорошо заявляет, ведь у нее рыжие волосы. Эльза же чем-то похожа на снежную королеву. Правда от нее девушку отличает доброта, скромность и страх навредить другим.

Однажды в детстве во время игры Эльза по неосторожности покалечила свою сестренку. Она могла умереть, но, к счастью, все обошлось. Теперь старшая сестра вынуждена была сидеть в заточении по своей воле, чтобы не навредить другим.

Вот однажды родители принцесс уезжают в поездку по делам и погибают во время шторма. Теперь Эльза должна стать королевой, и она тщательно к этому готовится. Ей ни к чему нельзя прикасаться голыми руками, иначе оно заморозится. И вот случается несчастье, которое обрушилось ураганом на всю страну…

События мультфильма разворачиваются так, что младшая сестренка снова столкнется с неприятностями, но благодаря сестринской любви она сможет выжить и снова зажить счастливо.

jojo31 jojo31    1   12.11.2020 19:42    4

jrihdevhdve jrihdevhdve  12.11.2020 19:50

Cold Heart


Cold heart

Probably, every child in childhood is interested in watching cartoons even more than reading fairy tales and poems. An incredible variety of various cartoons have been created in the world. They differ in genres, plots, country of origin. But each cartoon is unique and inimitable. Every cartoon has a meaning. If he is good, he conveys a certain idea to the viewer.

There was a man like Walt Disney. He was a cartoonist. He has suffered many unsuccessful attempts on the road to success. But in the end he managed to create his own cartoon company. It was this man who invented Mickey Mouse.

My favorite cartoon is Frozen, which was released in 2013 by Disney.

The main characters of this cartoon are two princesses. They are sisters. And one of them has the magical ability to turn everything into ice. Her name is Elsa. The younger sister's name is Anna and unlike Elsa, she has a cheerful character. This girl is smiling, sweet, kind, loves to have fun and is not afraid of anything. By the way, her appearance states this well, because she has red hair. Elsa is somewhat similar to the snow queen. True, the girl is distinguished from her by kindness, modesty and fear of harming others.

Once in her childhood, while playing, Elsa inadvertently injured her sister. She could have died, but fortunately, everything worked out. Now the older sister was forced to sit in captivity of her own free will, so as not to harm others.

One day, the parents of the princesses go on a trip on business and are killed in a storm. Now Elsa must become a queen, and she carefully prepares for this. She should not touch anything with her bare hands, otherwise it will freeze. And then a misfortune happens that hit the whole country like a hurricane ...

The events of the cartoon unfold in such a way that the little sister will again face trouble, but thanks to her sister's love, she will be able to survive and live happily again.

Ilyakuhs228 Ilyakuhs228  12.11.2020 19:50


Cold heart

Probably, every child in childhood is interested in watching cartoons even more than reading fairy tales and poems. The world has created an incredible variety of different cartoons. They differ by genre, story, and country of origin. But each cartoon is unique and inimitable. Every animated film has some meaning. If it is good, it conveys a certain idea to the viewer.

There was such a person as Walt Disney. He was a cartoonist. He suffered many failed attempts on the way to success. But in the end, he managed to create his own animation company. This is the man who invented Mickey mouse.

My favorite cartoon is "Cold heart", which was released in 2013 by Disney studios.

The main characters of this cartoon are two princesses. They're sisters. And one of them has the magical ability to turn everything into ice. Her name is Elsa. The younger sister's name is Anna and unlike Elsa, she has a cheerful character. This girl is smiling, sweet, kind, likes to have fun and is not afraid of anything. By the way, her appearance says it well, because she has red hair. Elsa is somewhat similar to the snow Queen. However, the girl is distinguished from her by kindness, modesty and fear of harming others.

Once in childhood, during a game, Elsa inadvertently injured her little sister. She might have died, but thankfully, it was all right. Now the older sister was forced to stay in prison of her own free will, so as not to harm others.

One day, the princesses ' parents go on a business trip and are killed in a storm. Now Elsa must become a Queen, and she carefully prepares for this. She can't touch anything with her bare hands, or it will freeze. And then there is a misfortune that hit the whole country like a hurricane…

The events of the cartoon unfold so that the little sister will again face trouble, but thanks to the sisterly love, she will be able to survive and live happily again.

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