Переведите фразы: девочка которую я увидел на вечеринке показалась мне знакомой. платье что надя надела сегодня не красивое. ученики спросили когда они получат тетради назад. корабль,который вошел в порт называется победа. мама спросила меня,почему я такой грязный. петя,чьи ноги длинные прибежал на финиш первым. деревья,которые мы посадили 10 лет назад выросли. режиссер,чей фильм я посмотрел в кино знаменитый. рабочие,которые построили наш дом плохие. место где мы встречаемся,на дворцовой площади. писать с when,whose

dimaonisko dimaonisko    2   12.06.2019 14:10    0

Z8Z Z8Z  10.07.2020 01:19
The girl I saw at the party looked familiar.
Nadia wore a dress that's not very nice.
The disciples asked when they would get back the notebook.
The ship, which entered the port is called a victory.
My mother asked me why I was so dirty.
Peter, whose legs are very long ran to the finish line first.
Trees we planted 10 years ago have grown.
The director, whose film I saw in the movie are very famous.
The workers who built our house bad.
The place where we meet, at the Palace Square.
huh106 huh106  10.07.2020 01:19
The girl I saw at the party seemed familiar to me.
Dress that Nadia wore today is not very beautiful.
The disciples asked when they will get the notebook back.
The ship entered the port is called victory.
Mom asked me why I was so dirty.
Peter,whose legs are very long resorted to the finish first.
The trees that we planted 10 years ago, has grown.
The Director,whose film I watched in a movie is very famous.
The workers who built our house poor.
The place where we meet,on Palace square.
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