Переведите этот текст: когда бейсбол только начинался в 1850-х годах, бейсбольные кепки делали из соломы. современные бейсболки стали делать в 1860-х годах. носить их начали игроки одной бруклинской команды. а длинный козырек появился только в 1940-х годах, когда внутрь козырька стали вставлять латекс.

atexpro444ggvg atexpro444ggvg    3   24.04.2019 02:40    0

lyubashabelyaeva lyubashabelyaeva  08.06.2020 13:40

When baseball was just beginning in the 1850s, baseball caps were made of straw. Modern baseball began to do in 1860. Players started to wear them a Brooklyn team. A long hood appeared only in 1940, when the inside of the visor steel insert latex.

minari3 minari3  08.06.2020 13:40

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Вот тебе перевод:

When baseball was only beginning in the 1850s, baseball caps made of straw. Modern baseball caps have done in the 1860s. Wear them began to players of one of Brooklyn team. As long bill was introduced only in the 1940s, when the visor started to put latex.


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