Переведите ! , джейн! я рада что тебе есть чем заняться! мои выходные тоже были заняты. мы были в парке и хорошо повеселились! мне нравится много разных занятий, но больше всего я люблю играть на скрипке и фортепиано. думаю, в москве подростки часто посещают много различных мест. мы с друзьями любим ходить на выставки известных художников. также мы посещаем торговые центры и любим тематические вечеринки! скорее приезжай и мы вместе туда сходим, тебе понравится! жду ответа.
уTranslate please!
Hi, Jane! I am very glad that you have something to do! My weekend was also busy. We were in the park and had a lot of fun! I like a lot of different activities, but most of all I like to play the violin and the piano. I think in Moscow, teenagers often visit many different places. My friends and I love to go to exhibitions of famous artists. We also visit shopping centers and love theme parties very much! Come soon and we go there together, you will like it! Waiting for an answer.))
Hello, Jane! I am really glad you have something to do! My weekend was busy too. We were in the park and well settled! I like a lot of different hobbies, but most of all i love to play the violin and piano. I think in Moscow teenagers often visit a lot of different places. My griends and i really love to go to exhibitions of famous artists. Also we visit shopping centers and love theme parties! Come soon and we will go there, you will like it! Forward to hearing your answer.