Переведите ! дорогой том, много разного произошло ,как я писал тебе в последний раз. я прочитал"алиса в стране чудес" льюиса кэрролла. мы построили новый дом в деревне. я выучил много слов. я прочитал пять книг. мой маленький брат не ходит в школу теперь. он сломал ногу. я посмотрел новый фильм про сша. мой папа писатель как ты знаешь. он написал новую книгу. до свидания. джон.

superman48 superman48    2   17.06.2019 13:10    1

джквик джквик  02.10.2020 03:44
Dear Tom,Many different happened, as I wrote to you last time. I've read "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. We built a new house in the village. I learned a lot of English words. I read five books. My little brother did not go to school now. He broke his leg. I looked at a new film about the United States. My dad is a writer as you know. He has written a new book.Goodbye.
zhanar7777 zhanar7777  02.10.2020 03:44
Dear Tom,
Since I have written to you at last time,many different things were happened.I have read "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.New house was built by us in the village.I have learnt a lot of english words.I have read 5 books.My little brother doesn't go to school.He has broken his leg.I watched  new film about USA.As you know,my father is writer.He has witten new book.
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