переведите части предложений на язык.

1. ivanovo state university was organized on the basis of педагогического института.
2. there are 9 факультетов at ивановском госуниверситете.
3. among them there are: филологический, биолого-, , социолого-психологический and the others.
4. the students who come from other towns, cities and countries live in общежитиях or снимают жильё.
5. at the university there are дневное and заочное отделения.
6. at the end of each семестра students must сдавать зачёты и экзамены.
7. at each faculty there are several кафедр (отделений).
8. at the head of each faculty is декан.
9. most subjects at the university are обязательны.
10. students may (посещать) some courses по собственному желанию.
11. at the university there is аспирантура.
12. the university готовит юристов, журналистов, психологов and other specialists.

yananovoselova1 yananovoselova1    3   30.11.2019 04:34    3

leria11111111111 leria11111111111  10.10.2020 17:12

1 Pedagogical institute

2 9 faculty students

3 biological and chemical, economic, sociological and psychological

4 rent an apartments

5 extramural

6 pass exam and offsets

7 the department

8 dean

9 required

10 (visit) at will

11 graduate school

12 trains journalist, lawyers, psychologists,

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