Переведи ,только не переводчик.

1.люди бывают разные.
2.мои брюки необычного цвета.
3.у меня белые носки.
4.мама добавила в суп много зелени.
5.военным выдали оружие.
6.эти ножницы оказались тупыми.

GuardiaN55 GuardiaN55    3   17.10.2019 21:26    2

валерия852 валерия852  10.10.2020 07:38

People can be different.

My trousers made with unusual colour.

I have white socks.

Mother added much greens (grass) to the soup.

The weapon has added to soldiers.

These scissors were blunt.

olegneoleg olegneoleg  10.10.2020 07:38

1 There are different kinds of people или

Individuals vary.

2 My trousers are of unusual colour.

3 My socks are white.

4 Mother added much greenery into the soup.

5 Military men were given the weapon.

6 These scissors are turned to be blunt.

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