Перетворити у непряму мову речення 1.'did you have a nice time yesterday? '.i asked her. 2.'when are you going home? ' .he asked me. 3.'will you give me a call? ' she asked him 4.'where were you last night? 'i asked him 5.'are you working this evening? ' he asked her.

akiceijuro akiceijuro    2   29.06.2019 10:20    1

areskinaelina areskinaelina  23.07.2020 11:47
1. I asked her if she had had a nice time the previous day.
2. He asked me when I was going home.
3. She asked him if he would give her a call.
4. I asked him where he had been the previous night.
5. He asked her if she was working that evening.
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