Переставь слова так щоб утворилось речення 1. is, to, your, i, liking, beef, the, think, find, will, you 2. i, order, take, can, you? 3. bill, we, please, our, have, could? 4. any, do, sweet, you, want? 5. help, shall, you, what, i, to? 6. please, salt, pass, the, would, you? 7. food, i, spicy, not, am, very, on keep. 8. potatoes, hand you, the may, i? 9. taste, small, you, should, these, cakes. 10. meat, yourself, you, to, won't , help, some? 11. like, my plane, very, food, i. 12 pudding, more, some, allow, me, to, send, you.

vinokurovbob vinokurovbob    2   13.09.2019 04:10    0

Vernаrd Vernаrd  07.10.2020 11:03
1. I think you will find the beef is to your liking.
2. Can I take you (your?) order?
3. Could we have our bill, please?
4. Do you want any sweet?
5. What shall I help you?  Или  What shall I help you to (пропущено слово?)?
6. Please would you pass the salt?
7. I am not keep (точно keep?) on very spicy food.
8. May I hand you the potatoes?
9. You should taste these small cakes.
10. Won't you help to yourself some meat? (не уверена)
11. I very like my plane food. 
12 Allow me to send you some more pudding.
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