Пересказ текста напишите вот текст: i've had a great day today. in the morning as soon i started to do my homework the telephone rang and i was so happy to hear nelly, a friend of mine, and she told me all sorts of stories about her friends and we chatted about the last episode of friends. it took us about an hour or more! then i put some of nelly's stories into my diary and illustrated them with pictures. by this time i had to go school. at school there was a poetry contest and a boy from our class got the first prize. his poem was great! then i tried to write a poem but managed to write only two lines. after i came back home i fell asleep and had the most fantastic dreams and i decided to write about them in my diary. some day i might write a fantasy about my dreams. it's late at night at the moment and i'm writing to you. unfortunately, i'm short of time and i won't be able to do my homework carefully. my mum says i'm lazy because if a job is difficult i put it off to another day. if i had one more hour a day i would spend it i really don't know on what. love, lucy.