переробити речення у питання і запереченя (present simple)
1. they helped mam yestarday.
2. he drank tea in the coffe last sunday
3.tina went to the cinema with friends
4. she cooked dinner last evening​

anelochka anelochka    1   15.12.2019 13:10    2

Huuur Huuur  10.10.2020 20:42


1. They didn't help Did they help ... ?

3. Tina didn't go Did Tina go ?

4. She didn't cook... Did she cook ?

Sfdfgc Sfdfgc  10.10.2020 20:42

1. They didn't help mam yesterday.

Did they help mam yesterday?

2. He didn't drink tea in the coffe last Sunday.

Did he drink tea in the coffe last Sunday?

3. Tina didn't go to the cinema with friends.

Did Tina go to the cinema with friends?

4. She didn't cook dinner last evening.

Did she cook dinner last evening?

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