Переробіть будь-ласка речення в пасивний стан :
1) they sell milk in this shop
2) we are repairing the clock now
3) my friend has forgotten this story
4) children broke the window yesterday
5) pupils were playing tennis from 5 till 7
6) i have learned the poem by 8
7) he will do this work tomorrow ​

djiner djiner    3   03.12.2019 23:38    0

Fazzika Fazzika  10.10.2020 18:17

1).They sold milk in this shop.

2).We repaired the clock now.

3).My friend forgot this story.

4). Children broke the window yesterday.

5).Pupils played tennis from 5 till 7.

6).I had learn the poem by 8.

7).He did this work tomorrow.


Всі речення вжито у Past Simple (пасивний стан).Утворюється додаванням до присудка -ed або слова з другої колонки таблички IRREGULAR VERBS

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