Перепишите следующий диалог с целью передачи чужих высказываний в косвенной речи сначала в настоящем времени (Например, Professor says that Alec’s answer was rather good and), а затем в (Например, Professor said that Alec’s answer had been rather good and). Помните, что при передаче чужого высказывания в косвенной речи действует правило согласования времен, если косвенная речь вводится глаголом в времени! Professor: Your answer was rather good. Would you answer a few extra questions?
Alec: I’ll try.
Professor: What can the computer do with the information?
Alec: It can calculate, compare and copy the information stored in its memory.
Professor: What kinds of memory do you know?
Alec: RAM and ROM.
Professor: What is RAM?
Alec: RAM stands for Random Access Memory, because information can be transferred into and out of any single byte of memory.
Professor: And what does ROM stand for?
Alec: ROM is Read Only Memory. It is a firmmade permanent memory chip for program storage.
Professor: Good. Your answers are excellent.
Alec: Thank you, Professor. I’m pleased, as Programming has always been my favourite subject.

s1138285 s1138285    3   30.12.2021 17:24    2

ukrkaravan757 ukrkaravan757  30.12.2021 17:30


В настоящем времени:

Professor says that Alec’s answer was rather good and asks him whether he would answer a few extra questions. Alec answers he’ll try. Professor tells Alec that as he knows, a chip is a miniaturized electronic circuit and asks what elements it does contain. Alec answers that a chip contains several hundred thousand electronic components – transistors, resistors and others. Professor asks if there are any other terms, which are synonymous to chip. Alec answers that there are and that they are integrated circuits and microelectronics. Professor asks Alec what types of chips he can describe. Alec answers that it is Logic chips and Memory chips and that Logic chips perform some or all the functions of a processor and Memory chips are storage cells. Professor asks whether larger computers may use several types of microprocessors and Аlec answers that they may, of course, and that even desk computers use one or more microprocessors. Professor tells Alec that his answer is good so he get a five. Alec thanks Professor and says good-bye to him.

В времени:

Professor said that Alec’s answer had been rather good and asked him whether he would answer a few extra questions. Alec answered he would try. Professor told Alec that as he knows, a chip was a miniaturized electronic circuit and asked what elements it did contain. Alec answered that a chip contained several hundred thousand electronic components – transistors, resistors and others. Professor asked if there were any other terms, which were synonymous to chip. Alec answered that there were and that they were integrated circuits and microelectronics. Professor asked Alec what types of chips he could describe. Alec answered that it was Logic chips and Memory chips and that Logic chips performed some or all the functions of a processor and Memory chips were storage cells. Professor asked whether larger computers might use several types of microprocessors and Аlec answered that they might, of course, and that even desk computers used one or more microprocessors. Professor told Alec that his answer was good so he got a five. Alec thanked Professor and told him good-bye.

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