Перепишите следующие повелительные предложения в косвенной речи, используя инфинитив. granny said to christy, “don’t forget to clean your teeth.” mother said to her children, “go home.” his wife said to him, “buy some meat in the butcher’s.” the teacher said, “sit down and do you tasks.” the librarian said to the boy, “take this book.”

pkfz178 pkfz178    1   02.09.2019 12:00    1

alinka12152002 alinka12152002  06.10.2020 11:58
Granny asked Christy  not to  forget to clean her teeth.
Mother asked her children to go home.
His wife asked him to buy some meat in the butcher’s.
The teacher asked to sit down and do our tasks.
The librarian asked the boy to take that book.
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