Перепишите предложения, вставляя нужные предлоги. Прочитайте написанное. 1. We fight ... peace ... the world. 2. We celebrate Women's Day ... the 8th of March. 3. Thousands of he- roes gave their lives ... their country in the Great Patri- otic War. 4. The Soviet Union won victory ... fascist Germany ... 1945. 5. "Happy Birthday ... you," said the girl. 6. "This is the best present ... Mother. I know she likes roses,"

Удача575 Удача575    3   07.12.2021 17:26    0

AnnaGlyuza0436 AnnaGlyuza0436  07.12.2021 17:30

1) for, of

2) on

3) for

4) to, in

5) to

Ivanpomogite228 Ivanpomogite228  07.12.2021 17:30

1 on . in

2 on

3 in

4 on in

5 to

6 for

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