Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений и видовременных форм глаголов. (где пропуски надо написать ответ, ! заранее ) 1. "stop talking, joe," the teacher said. the teacher told joe 2. "be careful, nick" she said. she told him 3. "go to your room," her father said to her. her father told her 4."don't touch it," she said to him. she told him 5. "don't do that again," he said to me. he told me 6. "where is my umbrella? " she asked. she asked 7. "how are you? " martin asked us. martin asked us 8. he asked, "will you be at the party? " he asked 9. "where have you been? " the mother asked her daughter. the mother asked her daughter 10. "when will we meet again? ” she asked her friend. she asked her friend 11. they said, "we were in london last week." they said 12. he said, "i will finish this paper tomorrow." he said 13. he said, "they won't sleep." he said 14. she said, "it is very quiet here." she said

ЯLOVEспорт ЯLOVEспорт    3   20.05.2019 04:00    2

Ника11112222222x Ника11112222222x  13.06.2020 11:16

1. The teacher told Joe to stop talking,

2. She told him to be careful.

3. Her father said to her to go to her room.

4. She told him not to touch it.

5. He told me not to do it again.

6. She asked where her umbrella was.

7. Martin asked us how we were.

'8. He asked if I would be at the party.

9. The moher asked her daughter where she had been.

10. She asked her friend when they would meet again.

11. They said that they had been to London.

12. He said that he would finish this paper next day.

13. He said that they wouldn't sleep.

14. She said that it was very quiet there.

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