Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи:

36) «Can I borrow your car for the weekend?» – I asked Max.
37) «I don’t know why Helen complains about her low salary all the time» – he told me.
38) «Mary hasn’t seen the new movie either», - my friend said to me.
39) The professor said: «Don’t forget about the deadline of our project, students!»
40) «Why are you sitting alone in the darkness? – my mother asked me.

Задайте общие во к предложениям:

41) Spaniards usually have brown eyes.
42) Mark has medical practice in a small hospital in Chicago.
43) Peter bought six doughnuts to treat his colleagues during lunch

khgfdl khgfdl    3   19.05.2020 10:48    0

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