Перепишите предложения в active 1.the pupils will be given out prizes by the headmaster 2. many tasty things will be made by mother for our party 3. she is being told a wonderful story by her granny 4. yesterday my tape-recorder was repaired by my friend 5. this rule has already been explained by our teacher 6. the test had been written by the pupils before the bell rang 7. many folk-songs were used by russian composers in composing music 8. look, trees are being planted by the choldren in our land

LizaVeta20071 LizaVeta20071    1   20.05.2019 06:30    1

tizhurist tizhurist  13.06.2020 14:11

1. The headmaster will give out prizes to the people.

2. Mother will make many tasty things for our party.

3. Her Granny is telling a wonderful story to her.

4. My friend repaired my tape-recorder yesterday.

5. Our teacher (already) explained this rule.

6. The pupils had written the test before the bell rang.

7. Russian composers used many folk-songs in composing music.

8. Look, the children are planting the trees in our land.

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