Перепишите предложения, изменив прямую речь косвенной 1. sheila answered: “yesterday evening my cousin john came here at 5 ” 2. jason added: “i think this work won’t take us long ” 3. her brother asked: “what are you doing at the moment? ” 4. father said to his son: “don’t ask me silly questions! ” 5. helen said to me: “did you write that letter yourself? ”

sayfulloevo sayfulloevo    1   19.07.2019 03:20    1

zverok21rus zverok21rus  03.10.2020 07:34
1. Sheila answered  that her  cousin John  had come there   Yesterday evening at 5 
2. Jason  said that he thought that work wouldnt take they long 
3. Her brother asked What  she  was  doing then ”
4. Father ordered to  his son not to ask him  silly questions!”
5. Helen said to me if  I had written that letter myself .
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