Перепишите предложения, используя существительное в скобках в притяжательном падеже. 1. their toys are new (children). 2. those books are hers (ann). 3. his letter is important (our friend). 4. this car is his (my uncle). 5. what is her name? (his mother). 6. his works are not impressive (writer). 7. it is his dictionary (student). 8. what do you think of her article? (journalist)

oldespower oldespower    3   15.09.2019 01:40    1

moiseenkooo moiseenkooo  07.10.2020 15:55
Если не ошибаюсь то
1. Children's toys are new
2. Those books are Ann's
3.Our friend's letter is important
4.This is my uncle's car
5.What is his mother's name?
6.Writer's works aren't impressive
7.It's student's dictionry
8.What do you think of journalist's article
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