❗❗❗ Перепишите и напишите предложения в пассивном залоге. Thieves stole a sculpture from the city museum last night. Where does the museum exhibit the sculptures? It exhibits them in the main gallery. When did they tell the police? Someone told the police this morning. 6 The police interviewed a man about the sculpture soon afterwards. 7Did they arrest him? No, they allowed him to leave a few hours later. ​

MWO MWO    2   16.03.2021 13:07    0

simonovfggg simonovfggg  15.04.2021 13:08


A sculpture was stolen from the city museum by thieves last night. Where were the sculptures exhibited? They were exhibited in the main gallery. When was the police told? The police was told by someone this morning. The man was interviewed by the police about the sculpture soon afterwards. Was he arrested by them? No, he was allowed to leave a few hours later by them.

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