Перекладіть речення ійською мовою. трансформуйте речення із активного стану в пасивний і навпаки. (10 ів) наприклад: дети пишут сочинение – 1. the children write a composition. 2. a composition is written by the children (сочинение пишется детьми) сочинение будет написано – 1. a composition will be written 2. we will write a composition (мы напишем сочинение) 1. том убирает класс. 2. мистер грин коллекционировал марки. 3. работа сделана вовремя. 4. телеграмма будет отправлена вовремя. 5. я отправлю телеграмму завтра. 6. мы получили ответ 2 дня спустя. 7. ответ будет получен 2 дня спустя. 8. они покажут тебе дорогу к университету. 9. дом был построен 5 лет назад. 10. текст переведен вчера.

annaantonova0 annaantonova0    3   22.05.2019 00:10    0

Meryem98 Meryem98  17.06.2020 00:21

1. Tom is cleaning the classroom. - The classroom is being cleaned by Tom.

2. Mr. Green colected stamps. - Stamps were collected by Mr. Green .

3. The work was done (has been done) on time. - They did (have done) the work on time.

4. The telegramm will be sent on time. - They will send the telegramm on time.

5. I will send the telegramm tomorrow. - The telegramm will be sent tomorrow.

6. We received the answer two days later. - The answer was received two days later.

7. The answer will be received in two days. - They will receive the answer in two days.

8. They will show you the way to the university. - You will be shown the way to the university.

9. The house was built 5 years ago. - They built the house 5 years ago.

10. The text was translated yesterday. - They translated the text yesterday.


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